Featured Recipe


Grain Free Cornish Pasties

On the extreme southwest tip of England there is Cornwall. And from Cornwall comes the pasty. Traditionally the lunch of the Cornish miners, it is a hand pie filled with beef, onions, and root vegetables like potato and rutabaga. It is considered a meal in itself; substantial enough to get…

Desserts/Sweet Breads, Holidays/Festivities

Grain Free Hamantaschen

If you are Jewish, you already know about Purim. A celebration in late winter/early spring that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman (a bad dude), who plotted to destroy the Jewish people. Esther, the heroine, did one over on ol’ Haman in a way that…

Breakfast/Brunch, Sides

Parmesan Garlic Pull-Apart Chebe Rolls

We saw this recipe posted on Instagram by @kdijon and knew we just had to get it up on our board. These Parmesan Garlic Pull-Apart Rolls are the bomb! The creative chef behind the camera graciously sent us her recipe along with these great photos. This recipe is easy, but…

Wheat Bundle Grain-Free Celiac Disease Gluten-Free
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Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance, and Wheat Allergies

Plus Delicious, Naturally Gluten-Free Bread Many people suffer discomfort after eating foods that contain gluten. Until recently, the only people that ate a gluten-free diet were usually those afflicted by Celiac’s disease, a genetically inherited, autoimmune disorder that causes the body to destroy the lining of its own small intestine when gluten…

Appetizers/Snacks, Desserts/Sweet Breads

Chebe Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Our friend MinneCeliac made great use of a box of Chēbē Cinnamon Roll mix. She creates this quick and delicious old-time favorite with her own gluten-free style. “This is a perfect and easy cookie recipe filled with warm, inviting flavors of cinnamon, oats, and raisins…and probably memories of your youth!…


Chebe Holiday Pull-Apart Wreath

“One of my favorite gluten-free bread mixes if you want fresh made rolls, hamburger buns, or cinnamon rolls is Chebe bread. I’ve talked about their products before and I’m not exaggerating at all when I say they are so easy to use and delicious!! And they’re even grain-free. Amazing!! This…

Appetizers/Snacks, Holidays/Festivities

Christmas Tree Pull-apart

This tree is “like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”   Recipe adapted from Eclectic Every Day This tree is “like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”   This recipe works great with Chēbē All-Purpose Mix, but you may also try it…