FODMAP-FREE FODMAP-friendly recipes, gluten free

A Low-FODMAP Life Without The Hassle

Although we are more known for our gluten and grain-free ingredients, we are also committed to a low-FODMAP lifestyle. We don't believe that just because you suffer from IBS or similar conditions, you should miss out on your favorite recipes or discover new ones.


FODMAP is short for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. Essentially, FODMAPs are the type of carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and draw water into the gut, leading to various digestive concerns. People with irritable bowel syndrome are advised to stay away from FODMAPs to avoid digestive issues.

Who Should Care?

Worldwide, between 10-15% of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome.
45 million people in the U.S alone have IBS.


A low-FODMAP diet is one of the best defenses of IBS. When you have IBS, the body has a tough time absorbing FODMAPs in the gut which leads to serious issues. By eliminating the culprit, you can decrease the likelihood of experiencing symptoms.

Common Symptoms of IBS





Irregular Bowel


Abdominal Pain


Food Intolerance




Benefits of Going FODMAP-FREE

There is a long list of reasons to go on a low-FODMAP diet but here are just few:

A reduction in physical symptoms such as bloating abdominal pain, and general discomfort
Shown to help people with Chron's disease, celiac disease, and inflammatory bowel disease
Has been found to normalize the size of the large intentional endocrine cells
Promotes a better quality of life by alleviating anxiety and depressive symptoms while improving social and sexual interactions.
low-fodmap, FODMAP- free, lifetstlye, relaxed, diet

Why Chebe?

Chebe ensures that people suffering from IBS or other digestive disorders can eat with confidence by offering three FOMDAP-free dry mixes

We've Got The FODMAP-Friendly Recipes You're Looking For

Cinnamon Rolls With Honey Pecan Drizzle

Greek Pizza

Potato Rosemary Focaccia