What is the Paleo Diet?
The Paleo diet, also called the “caveman diet” or the “hunter-gatherer diet”, is a dietary plan modeled after what scientists believe people ate during the Paleolithic era. During this time period, which ranged from 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago, our ancestors ate very differently than the Western diet we are accustomed to today. The Paleolithic diet (Paleo for short) includes fish, lean meats, fruits, nuts and vegetables. Foods that cannot be consumed include grains, sugar, legumes, salt, and dairy products. The biggest difference between the Paleo diet and similar healthy diets is the omittance of legumes and dairy. The nutrients of the legumes and the calcium of the dairy can be supplemented if necessary.

Benefits of the Diet
Weight Loss
One of the most popular reasons to try the Caveman diet is the weight loss that goes along with it. Most importantly, carbohydrate and sugar intake are significantly reduced. Furthermore, by eliminating high-processed, high-carb foods and instead, eating quality foods filled with nutrients, the body will not crave as much as it did when eating foods with little to no nutrients. With less consumption of food, body fat will scale down.

Consistent Energy Levels
In today’s world, many people rely on sugary coffee and energy drinks to get some energy for the day. These beverages are temporary solutions and do not last, leaving you to come back for more just to get by. The Paleo diet calls for nutritious dietary practices that don’t fade as fast and will keep you energetic for longer intervals.
Mental Clarity
An unhealthy diet will lead to an array of mental hurdles such as depression, lack of concentration, and mood wings. There are links between mental disorders and the intake of inflammatory foods such as meals containing trans fats and sugar. Anti-inflammatory drugs are found to help reduce symptoms and since the Paleo diet is rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as Omega-3 fats, fruits, and vegetables, you can establish a healthier mind.
Chebe Has You Covered
We here at Chebe don’t think your taste buds should suffer for making a healthy lifestyle choice. Our only offering that is not Paleo-friendly is our Original Cheese Bread Mix. But you can eat care-free with the rest of our lineup.

Additional Resources:
The Paleo Diet As Explained by the Mayo Clinic
How the Paleo Diet May be Beneficial for those with Diabetes or at high RIsk to Develop Diabetes
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