Tag: fodmap friendly

FODMAP-FREE FODMAP-friendly recipes, gluten free

A Low-FODMAP Diet With No Hassle

A Low-FODMAP Life Without The Hassle Although we are more known for our gluten and grain-free ingredients, we are also committed to a low-FODMAP lifestyle. We don’t believe that just because you suffer from IBS or similar conditions, you should miss out on your favorite recipes or discover new ones….

grain-free chicken pot pies

Grain-Free Chicken Pot Pies

If you look up “comfort food” in the dictionary, one of the definitions has got to be chicken pot pie. From the aroma to the texture to the ultimate flavor, it just doesn’t get more “comfy”! Chēbē dough works great with your favorite chicken pot pie recipe. You can roll…

Grilling, Lunch/Dinner

Argentine Burgers on Gluten Free Chipa Buns

Chipa bread is Argentina’s version of cheese bread. It is close to the Brazilian version, so use our Chebe Bread and no one will ever know.  And burgers may be All-American, but Argentina knows its meat better than most. So whip up some chimichurri sauce, make your ‘pampa’ burger and…


Grain Free Cornish Pasties

On the extreme southwest tip of England there is Cornwall. And from Cornwall comes the pasty. Traditionally the lunch of the Cornish miners, it is a hand pie filled with beef, onions, and root vegetables like potato and rutabaga. It is considered a meal in itself; substantial enough to get…

Desserts/Sweet Breads, Holidays/Festivities

Grain Free Hamantaschen

If you are Jewish, you already know about Purim. A celebration in late winter/early spring that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman (a bad dude), who plotted to destroy the Jewish people. Esther, the heroine, did one over on ol’ Haman in a way that…


Chebe Holiday Pull-Apart Wreath

“One of my favorite gluten-free bread mixes if you want fresh made rolls, hamburger buns, or cinnamon rolls is Chebe bread. I’ve talked about their products before and I’m not exaggerating at all when I say they are so easy to use and delicious!! And they’re even grain-free. Amazing!! This…

Appetizers/Snacks, Lunch/Dinner

Cheeseburger Muffin Cups

“Lunch time, snack time, game time. These gluten free cheeseburger muffin cups are perfect ANY time. Made with grain free Chebe Bread All Purpose Mix, they’re a definite winner. This recipe is a reinvention of the muffin tin cheeseburgers I saw on the Twisted website. They used hamburger buns. However I chose…

Holidays/Festivities, Sides

Chebe Challah

With a slightly crisp and golden brown crust, a soft, chewy center, and lightly sweetened with sugar and honey, this challah bread is superb! And with (OU Kosher) Chēbē as the base, it is free of gluten, grain, dairy and even yeast. Are you a fan of challah? You gotta…

Appetizers/Snacks, Lunch/Dinner

Asian-Style Empanadas

Empanadas originated on the Iberian Peninsula and are popular throughout Latin America. Other parts of the globe have their versions of empanadas and may be referred to as pasties, samosas, or simply hand pies.  Empanadas are baked or fried. This recipe is the baked version, but if you prefer them…