If you look up “comfort food” in the dictionary, one of the definitions has got to be chicken pot pie. From the aroma to the texture to the ultimate flavor, it just doesn’t get more “comfy”! Chēbē dough works great with your favorite chicken pot pie recipe. You can roll…
Tag: chebe bread
Grain-Free Strawberry Cobbler
There are a few different ways to go about making a cobbler dessert. This one is the biscuit-topping version. The Chebe biscuits do a great job of soaking up the juices from the strawberries. And you may use strawberries fresh from the farm to the strawberries from the frozen food…
Grain Free Hamantaschen
If you are Jewish, you already know about Purim. A celebration in late winter/early spring that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman (a bad dude), who plotted to destroy the Jewish people. Esther, the heroine, did one over on ol’ Haman in a way that…
Grain Free Cake Pops
Cake pops are a thing, right!? Well, we knew that our short bread recipe was up to the task for making scrumptious cake pops. What we like about cake pops most of all is that they are FUN! Little iced cakes on a popsicle stick are just a little bite…
Grain Free Pumpkin Slab Pie
“Of all the pies I’ve ever made, this Grain Free Pumpkin Slab Pie takes the cake. Or should I say the pie? Made with Chebe’s gluten free cinnamon roll mix, it may be the easiest, too. What is a Slab Pie? Well, basically it’s as it sounds. It’s flat slab…