I love Chebe’s dairy-free, gluten-free Cinnamon Roll mix for sweet and healthy pastries, but it had been a while since I made any. I had heard of people making pop tarts from Chebe mixes before, but never a cinnamon pop tart. I researched online and, inspired by various gluten recipes, came up with this healthy and dairy-free pop tart recipe. The cinnamon filling did ooze out a bit, as I hadn’t sealed it well enough, but even so, I was able to turn the tarts and coat them in the filling and ended up with a delicious treat. – Book of Yum
Recipe and photos courtesy of Book of Yum

- 1 package (7.5 oz) Chebe Cinnamon Roll Mix
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil, solidified
- 3 Tbsp applesauce
- 3 Tbsp dairy-free milk (soy, rice, almond, etc.)
- 1 egg
- 3 Tbsp Earth Balance margarine or similar
- 1/3 cup organic sugar
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 1 Tbsp cinnamon
- 1/4 cup pecans, crumbled
Combined softened margarine, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl until you have a smooth, granular filling. Keep pecans ready nearby.
Combine Chebe Cinnamon Roll mix and egg in a small-medium bowl and mix. Add coconut oil, applesauce and dairy-free milk and fold together. Knead the ingredients together until you have a smooth ball.
Break off portions of dough to roll out inside a gallon ziploc type bag. When you have a nice thin layer of dough, cut the sides of the bag and peel it back. Cut the dough into rectangles and put a tablespoon or less of the cinnamon sugar filling on one half, leaving plenty of room around for sealing the pastry. Sprinkle it with pecans. Try to reserve a little filling. Fold over half of the dough and gently seal the pastry together. Use a fork to create folds all around the edge. Gently remove and place on a large cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Slice open steam vents on top of each pop tart.
Bake at 375F for 10 minutes. Carefully turn with spatula and bake for another five minutes. Turn one more time so that the butter and sugar that has come out from the pastries coats both sides. If by some chance they DON’T leak, baste with a little leftover filling mixture. Bake for a few more minutes on both sides and cool.
Recipe courtesy of Book of Yum