Chewy, salty, herby pretzels. Boiled first, then baked, these are as authentic as it gets, except, of course, they have no gluten and no grain. These will remind you of state fairs, ball games, & Coney Island all in one! (BTW, the Parmesan is optional if you avoid cow stuff!)…
Featured Recipe
Grain Free Iron Skillet Focaccia
Get it while it’s hot! Chēbē Iron Skillet Focaccia Bread competes with the best of the ‘grainy’, ‘gluteny’ Focaccia breads in the market… but since it’s Chēbē, it’s neither! Hot out of the oven. If you could only smell through the screen! Get it while…
Christmas Star Snaps
Chēbē Christmas Star Snaps, lightly sweetened crispy delights made with our Cinnamon Roll mix that are perfect for the holiday season. And of course, they are gluten and grain free. Recipe idea from Heavenlynn Healthy